
Salmon Trivia

For every pound a female weighs she'll produce 7,000 to 8,000 eggs. 10 lb salmon=80,000 eggs.

At spawning time the male has grown a hook on its lower jaw...thus named hookbill. He is territorial and protective, claiming his spawning female against less dominant males. The male sprays Milt over eggs to fertilize them then the female covers the spawn with gravel.

Stages of growth of the salmon:

  1. egg
  2. eyed egg stage
  3. sac fry
  4. fingerling
  5. parr(6")
  6. smolt (at this stage the survival rate is 3-4%)

The smolt returns to the sea for 3 or more years and come back as grilse..less than 25"(mostly males)

No one has ever found food in stomachs of a spawning salmon.

Black Salmon: a spent fish, spawned previous Nov. Lived under ice during winter now on its way down stream to head back to the sea. Sometimes rests in slack water, eddies or backwater and where water is deep. It's lean and hungry and must eat things like smelts chubs and suckers. Flies: Large bucktail streamers, Golden Eagle/Mickey Finn/Smelt/Black Ghost & Rose of New England are effective .

Releasing Salmon safely: Do not touch gills. Release in fast water, hold by tail facing into the current until breathing evenly and jerking for release. If at all possible do not handle Salmon out of water, and never beach a Salmon.

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