My First Grilse
By Flo Rule
They say if you keep trying you are just bound to succeed. This was my first grilse and I was one happy camper. The weather had been obliging but the salmon had not been. It was a fall run and they only had one thing on their minds, to get up to the spawning grounds. There had been a lot of flies tossed on the water in the two days I was fishing and I must say I was getting anxious whether I would take home my grilse. The week before, Maggie had hooked into a salmon. a biggy, but it broke off just when it was time to bring it on in. It was Sunday morning and there were the occasional jumps but the jumping had nothing to do with the flies being casted. About 9:45 there were two jumps right near shore and directly down from me but within casting distance. I quickly hauled in my slack line and false casted the once and dropped my # 2 white bomber, orange hackle right over them. It didn't even hit the water!! Boom!! She was on and on she stayed. It measure up 22cm just within the allowable of 23cm. What a feel to all that weight and resistance. About 20 minutes or so later I had beached her and quickly dispensed the grilse. She was mine to take home and my salmon fishing was done for the day. My fly landed at the right place and the right time..sometimes that is the only way of it. I gave it a big smack on the snout and gave thanks to Mother Nature for sharing. I wish for all of you that have visited me here to have the same experience...at least once in your lifetime...Happy fishing!!
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